Wednesday, April 09, 2008

No offense to John McCain...

No offense, John McCain, but I'm starting to hate you. Don't worry, I wasn't going to vote for you anyway, but of all the republican candidates I wasn't going to vote for, you used to be my favorite. I liked that despite some of your more conservative tendencies you have been someone who at least seems to want to make politics better in this country. Even though I disagree with about 80% of your positions, I have always felt that your motives were mostly pure. In other words, I have always thought of you as a Statesman rather than politician.

Now I hate you. But it's not you. It's me.

I foolishly joined a graduate program that turned out to be basically everything I despise about modern education - a program that takes serious social problems, political issues, or just simple genuine conversation between two people and crushes them with the groaning weight of statistics. And now, for my political communication class, I've elected to do a presentation on your relation to the religious right. This seems like it would be an interesting topic. I love politics, and I am fascinated (horrified might be the more operative word most of the time) by its interplay with religion. So I should have enjoyed this chance to study it more closely.

But no. This program has killed all enjoyment and because I have to do something which I can't seem to make myself do, I now hate everything about it. Which means you too. No offense.


On another lighter, and completely unrelated note, I have taken up a diet Seriously, as much as I love beer (and those of you who know me, know how much I love beer) and all other things alcoholic, I think that I love coffee more. Or at least equally. And I love the effects of caffeine more than I love the effects of alcohol. Speaking of, I think the next pot has finished and I need to go inject it directly into my bloodstream.


TV DevCo said...

Don't be disheartened. Sometimes I think classes are geared so that you lose all love and respect for a subject. It is one of life's cruelties.

But coffee.... Is this even irish coffee at least?

Mary Elizabeth said...

"I have made a number of writing related vows, one of which is to actually update this blog as frequently as I can."

-Ben Wilkins