Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Collaborative Work

I've discovered something about myself - well part of it I've known for a very long time. I have no self-discipline. I mean none. I do what I like, but I can't stop myself from doing it to excess. Or I can't make myself do something that's hard, even if I do like it. For example - I want to be in shape, but it's extremely rare that I can make myself get off my ass and do any serious exercising. So when I do, I feel so accomplished that I convince myself not to do it again for a week.

What I'm really talking about is writing though. I love to write. I really do. I have so many stories that I want to tell: simple stories, complex stories, rants about politics or religion (see below), didactic thoughts on the human condition, etc. Only it's a hard thing to do. Confronted with a blank page (or far worse, a blank computer screen) I panic and give in to one of my easier excesses (see below).

But the new thing that I've found is that I can steal discipline from other people. I'm like a discipline vampire, sucking creativity and drive from those more ambitious than myself. Or even if they aren't - somehow my sense of responsibility makes up the difference. If I feel that someone is depending on me, I work hard not to let them down.

Lately the Jubilate Basses have been working on our Act for Variety Show (saturday 3-5 at University Baptist Church). Basically the writing has come from Dan, Zach, Tad, and I (with some help last night by Joseph) sitting in the old apartment shooting ideas and lines back and forth. Even when it's been especially hard, I love it. I really enjoy working in that kind of environment, and the hours just slip past. Not only does it produce quality work (and it's not always easy to bring the funny) but we actually get it done. By myself I can't make myself work for more than 20 minutes so nothing ever finishes. Maybe I'm destined to work on a sitcom or some other TV show where most of the writing is collaborative.

Only...I still don't want to share the credit.

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